You will still see your eye doctor annually even if you already use eyeglasses. Because, as time goes by, your eyes change. Nothing in your body is fixed, not your eyes and not, it turns out, your ears either. That’s why, much like your eyes, it’s essential to keep getting your ears tested even after […]
Public opinion surrounding marijuana and cannabinoids has changed significantly over the past several decades. Cannabinoids, marijuana, and THC products are now legal for medical usage in many states. Substantially fewer states have legalized pot for recreational purposes, but even that would have been unthinkable even just ten or fifteen years ago. Cannabinoids are any compounds […]
The last time you had dinner with your family was a hard experience. It wasn’t because your family was having a tough time getting along. The problem was the noise, which was making it hard to hear anything. So you weren’t able to have very much meaningful conversation with any of your family members. It […]
The cause of Meniere’s is not really understood. But the effects are difficult to underestimate. Some common symptoms of this affliction are vertigo, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and hearing loss. Symptoms of Meniere’s disease appear to stem from a buildup of fluid in the inner ear, but researchers aren’t really sure what causes that […]
Finding a bargain just feels good, right? Getting a good deal can be exhilarating, and more gratifying the better the deal. So letting your coupon make your shopping decisions for you, always chasing after the least expensive items, is all too easy. But chasing a bargain when it comes to buying hearing aids can be […]
Hearing loss can sneak up on you, it’s true. But there are times when hearing problems suddenly pounce you like a cat instead of sneaking up on you. Here’s a hypothetical: You get up one morning and go into the shower and when you get out you notice your hearing seems off or different. Muffled, […]
You’re living with tinnitus and you’ve learned to adjust your life to it. You always keep the television on to help you tune out the constant ringing. The loud music at happy hour makes your tinnitus a lot worse so you avoid going out with your friends. You’re always making appointments to try new techniques […]
You care deeply about your loved ones and want to do something to let them know? Truly listen when your loved ones talk to you. But you need to be able to hear in order to really listen. Research reveals one in three adults between 65 and 74 is enduring hearing loss and millions would […]
You’re supposed to wear your hearing aids every day. But before you recycle your milk jugs, you’re supposed to wash them out too. We don’t always do what we’re supposed to. The same goes for hearing aids. Sometimes we forget to take them with us. You might even forget to use it for more than […]
The human body has some amazing and remarkable abilities. Scrapes, cuts, and broken bones are generally no problem for the human body to repair (with a bit of time, your body can repair the huge bones in your legs and arms). But when it comes to repairing the delicate little hairs in your ear, it’s […]