Muffled hearing can happen for a large number of reasons. In the majority of instances, this condition is temporary. In other cases, muffled hearing can be a harbinger of more substantial hearing-related issues. That’s because, in general, hearing loss is a gradually progressing condition. Symptoms build slowly and over time. One of the first symptoms […]
These days, the mobile phone network is a great deal more dependable (and there’s a lot less static involved). But that doesn’t mean everyone can hear you all the time. And for people who have hearing loss, it can be particularly difficult. Now, you may be thinking: there’s an easy fix for that, right? Why […]
It probably seems like a simple thing to take care of your hearing aids. After all, you were probably given a set of care instructions when you originally bought your devices. Most hearing specialists will give you a step-by-step how-to when it comes to regular hearing aid maintenance. But it’s quite likely that you may […]
Does hearing loss worsen as you get older? Hearing loss is a common slowly advancing condition that impacts all adults. In fact, over 50% of those 75 and older have a hard time hearing. Presbycusis Presbycusis is defined as age-related hearing loss or the gradual process of hearing loss as we age. There’s no one […]
It’s no fun when you can’t sleep at night. Especially when it happens frequently. You lie awake tossing and turning, looking at the time again and again, and worrying about how exhausted you will be tomorrow. Medical professionals call this kind of persistent sleeplessness “insomnia”. Over time, the effects of persistent insomnia will add up, […]
You may be acquainted with the various factors contributing to hearing loss, such as the impact of aging, genetic predisposition within families, or extended exposure to loud noises. But the connection between hearing loss and diabetes isn’t as widely known. Let us elaborate. How does diabetes raise your risk of hearing loss? The prevalence of […]
Contrary to popular belief, winter is fun! Alright, it can definitely be a bummer if you have to go somewhere. Or if you don’t have the correct gear (or proper infrastructure). But there are plenty of fun things to do in those chillier winter months. Don’t believe it? Well, here are just a few examples […]
DIY is all the rage these days and everybody appreciates a quick easy fix. Sink Leaking? Just search YouTube for the suitable plumbing tutorial, buy the suggested tools, and go to work! A plumber would probably be a bit more efficient but then you wouldn’t get that sense of self-satisfaction that comes with doing it […]
The term “cheap” has dual meanings. For anyone on a small budget, it means “affordability”. Conversely, it conveys low-quality, turning an apparently economical purchase into a not-so-smart decision, epitomized by the saying “You get what you pay for”. Regrettably, differentiating between an economical purchase and an item of negligible value is often tricky. With regard […]
There’s nothing that’s good about cancer. Because of this, patients getting cancer treatment will in some cases feel compelled to disregard cancer treatment side effects, like hearing loss, as trivial. But for a great number of cancer survivors, there is a life after cancer and that’s a pretty important thing to remember. And you want […]